Conquering Corona Virus!
Needs Ms. Nungshi & Tashi Malik’s Everest conquering spirit is necessary!
In association with Government of India’s Women Power Award 2020 winners — Ms. Nungshi & Tashi Malik, twin sisters!
My dear fellow Homo sapiens!
The tiny enemy
Terrifying the world
Touching everyone in its way.
Giving some their last sleep
For the rest, no real sleep!
Millions of times bigger man
Sitting on the
Mountains of arms
Capable of killing
Many times over the population
Is challenged!
‘Man is one
Among the millions of species
In Nature’
COVID19 says
As a biology teacher.
‘Man no matter
where on earth
Is man’
COVID 19 reminds
Like a philosopher.
Now and then
COVIDs in Nature
Caution humans
With their fatal touch.
Do Not get frightened!
It is only testing man
It is strengthening
Our innate immunity
Blessing us for longer life.
Nature opens new doors
For evolving man
COVID19 is a New Step.
We shall win!
We shall scale !!
Many more to come!!!
Srinivasa K. Rao, Ph.D.